Our Mission

We celebrate the unexpected difference in people
It’s funny. In an odd, peculiar sort of way. How so many of our differences, the things that set us apart, in one way or another, end up lumping us into some larger homogeneous group or another. Gender. Race, Sexual orientation. You name it.

That’s why the difference we celebrate, the unexpected, uncommon difference in each of us, a strength we value deeply, one that resonates profoundly. powerfully. It defines our Inner Hero— how we see ourselves and want those who matter to see us. Forming the foundation for the viscerally attractive job posts we call PowerPosts.

As revolutionary as it sounds, it’s proven by decades of behavioral studies. Studies showing that each of us is more ideally suited to certain kinds of jobs and relationships than the next person. Similar to the concept of a soul mate, but more broadly applied. While there is probably no such thing as one soul mate for each person, there is a type of person that likely fits with each of us synergistically.

The same is true with a job. You wouldn’t stick a natural entrepreneur into a middle- management role in an 8’ x 8’ cubicle amongst a sea of 8’ x 8’ cubicles Just as you wouldn’t give the keys to your new tech start-up to a person who is a member of the Flat Earth Society. It is our passion for the differences that define us, that is the inspiration behind PowerPosts— the only recruiting platform that attracts for mindset and soft and hard skillset to make every role truly irresistible to the ideal candidate for each role. So when your ideal candidate for a role sees your PowerPost for a given role, they’ll drop everything to apply.

So You Can Harness The Best in People.

Turns out you’re more powerful than you know.

Able to attract more of the right people…

With the most diverse mix of Ideal Fit candidates to choose from…

Based upon more direct hiring manager involvement…

In a position to get more from every team in the organization…

Start using that power now.

Start using that power now.Request a Demo

What's a Powerpost?

Always An Ideal Fit
Easily enhance your job posts to attract the right candidates
DEI for Real
Uncover bias in your content,  and also embed inclusive language and messaging in your job posts
All the Players in Concert
Recruiters and hiring managers can work together seamlessly
The Language of Dreams
Wanna talk to an Ideal Candidate about their dream job? Gotta use their native language


Get a real handle on your people


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